Kitesurfing Technique
Pop to Toeside with a Tweaked Grab
If you’re already a happy popper and relish the opportunity to give your fins a breath of fresh air whilst spinning your board around and stomping it to toeside, then this move is for you. Popping to toeside is already fully fun and functional, but when you add on a cheeky grab and a styled-out tweak, it transforms the normal...
Twin Tip Upwind 360
The last move of 2024! This is a classic strapless move, favourably adopted by the foiling community, and has a place in every twin tipper box of tricks. Moreover, if you’ve nailed the twin-tip duck tack, the carving upwind 360 is the flowing follow-up you never realised you needed. Still, you so do:) You’ll use the skills you already have...
Front Roll
The front roll is a move that is revered and feared. The yang to the back roll’s yin. Can you afford to have one but not the other? If you answer no, you’ve come to the right place. Using your kite to jump, the sent front roll has the potential to be on your all-time favourites list; it feels so...
Hooked Popped Front Roll
The popped front roll. A move which is well within your reach if you can rotate forwards under a kite, yet a move which can appear so utterly incomprehensible and/or terrifying. Seemingly defying physics, trying to pop up whilst throwing yourself down into a front rotation. The mind boggles, and the body hesitates. Well, fear not; we're going to have...
Without wanting to open up a tin of worms and start some huge debate here’s a look at how to learn the S-Bend. It’s a fairly controversial move in its own right, as the definition of an S-Bend will vary depending on whom you speak to. Purists will expect boots and a lot of inversion throughout the rotation which is...
Blind Underturn Transition
Often it’s welcome to have something (potentially) low impact, low altitude, but still high on satisfaction and fun, and in this case practicality as it’s a transition. It’s been a while since we covered anything hooked in blind, so now’s the time to right the wrong. Ladies and gents the moment has come to reverse into the blind underturn (read...
Strapless Beach Start
Continuing on from last issue’s strapless fest you’re probably more than ready for this. The beach start is a useful tool as it means that not only can you delay the inevitable dunking, but you can also get off the beach quickly, which is a godsend when the waves are pumping. Water starting is all good and well but if...
Tail Grab Board Off
This one has been a long time coming. Back to the golden days, old school, or as a certain Toby likes to call it, Airstyle. Loosening your straps and boosting a board off is an acceptable and handsome add on to anybody’s box of tricks, or an alternative to bone crunching kite loops or changing down for some unhooked mayhem...
Hooked Popped Front to Blind with Grab
Grabbing always adds that extra touch of style, if you’ll excuse the pun, so adding one into an already technical move should feel pretty awesome and will definitely give you some extra kudos. Here you’ll be spicing up the hooked front to blind so it’s something within many riders reach and can be performed in a wide range of conditions....