News Tagged: 'Wipeout Wednesday'

3 years ago

This #WipeoutWednesday, we're going to Canada, where Lockey Price had a terrifyingly close call over a farmers field. He made a Herculean effort to stay...

4 years ago

Sometimes turning it up a notch doesn't go as planned. Here's Michael Ericsson's attempt at a bridge tap. Guess how it ended?! Kudos for continuing...

4 years ago

This is too crazy not to share! These guys are taking a beating, and we can certainly respect that! Turn up your volume and hold...

7 years ago

It's #wipeoutwednesday and this is a classic. Stay safe out there, and keep the camera rolling! Best kitesurf crashes on the web!

9 years ago

With all the storms kicking about the Northern Hemisphere at the moment we figured it might be a good time to remind you all how...
