News Tagged: 'Virgin Kitesurfing Armada'
6 years ago
If you are heading to the Kitesurfing Armada this year, make sure you check out this update! We're looking forward to this weekend!
6 years ago
Only two weeks to go for the Kitesurfing Armada - Check out this quick video explaining the new parking, camping and campervan zones for the...
7 years ago
Tom Court and the Virgin Kite Armada Shenanigans! Everything from the latest equipment, trade shows, tech talks and competition. It has become the biggest event...
7 years ago
The Armada Festival are delighted to welcome watersports legend Pete Cabrinha this year! Come and meet Pete at the festival from 22-24 June 2018 on...
7 years ago
Join Lewis Crathern & 5x World Champion Aaron Hadlow on why you shouldn't miss the 2018 Kitesurfing Armada Festival on Hayling Island.
7 years ago
We're super excited for this years event! The Kitesurfing Armada Festival will take place on Hayling Island from 22-24 June 2018. Everybody welcome! Tickets and...
8 years ago
#wipeoutwednesday: Megalooping in that wind on a 10m Ozone Edge might not have been the best idea! Megalooooo.... Crash Harry attempting to loop a slightly...
8 years ago
The Virgin Kitesurfing Armada is just a couple of weeks away now, set to take place from the 9th to the 11th of June on...
8 years ago
Let's face it, Richard Branson is a kitesurfing hero. So when he invites you to the Virgin Kitesurfing Armada Festival, you'd better go! We're getting super...