News Tagged: 'Sweden'

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8 years ago

We've decided that this ice kiter is just a little bit mental! Surely jumping over broken ice is NOT a good idea... Short video this...

8 years ago is a Swedish film producer that creates incredible kitesurf films. This latest one, Finding Beaufort is action packed and definitely worth a watch. Even...

8 years ago

Norra Näs in Sweden looks like a cold but superb place to kitesurf! I'm sure Petter Svensson appreciates that wetsuit while riding. Those deep blue skies...

9 years ago

This super fun edit of Jonas Widén from Sweden shows that you can still have a great time in the cold! Wearing a wetsuit hood...

10 years ago

Check out this awesome video showcasing what Sweden has to offer! The start of their season has been epic with good wind and waves throughout....

12 years ago

Sometimes a movie comes along that isn't your usual pro rider charged, high production value edit. It's just a great little clip about a guy...
