News Tagged: 'Ragnarok'

5 years ago

Red Bull Ragnarok returns in 2020 larger than ever! Snow kiters from more than 30 nations worldwide will once again gather on Hardangervidda in Norway...

6 years ago

Therese Taabbel challenged Casper Steifath to compete in Red Bull Ragnarok this year! Last year, he only completed two rounds... who would you bet on?!...

6 years ago

The world's largest snow kite competition of the year once again was a hit! Kiters from more than 30 nations worldwide had gathered at Hardangervidda...

11 years ago

The Red Bull Ragnarok is one of the toughest snow kite races on the planet, in 2011 out of 150 starters just 4 finished! In...
