News Tagged: 'Patrick Rebstock'

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11 years ago

Check out Ian Aldridge and Patrick Rebstock on a recent visit to the Middle East, they were filmed at Sunhera Beach, Pakistan riding in the...

11 years ago

If this is just a camera test, just imagine what is to come from Peter Trow, possibly the best strapless waveriding video I have seen...

11 years ago

Invited by extreme sports photographer Ian Edmonson, Patrick Rebstock and friends jump at the chance to kite surf on one of Scotland's most remote islands....

11 years ago

Some left over clips from the spray tray division. Some bangers were going down for sure. Featuring Eric Rienstra, Ewan Jaspen, Andre Phillip, Sam Light,...

11 years ago

We are always left slightly dumbfounded and in awe whenever we watch Patrick Rebstock riding. His nomination video for Rider of the Year has had...

11 years ago

Strapless skills from Patrick Rebstock. Thumbs up if you like this!

12 years ago

This is all kinds of rad, kitesurfing gets some serious audience action being given a 20 minute slot at the ASP World Qualifying Series in...
