News Tagged: 'O’Neill'

3 years ago

The sand has settled after an epic weekend of wind in Cape Town, South Africa. The much-awaited 2021 Red Bull King of the Air started...

4 years ago

Sam Light heads for a session in Hayling Island with some of the UK's favourite kite groms; 11-year-old mad Max Tullet and the 13-year-old kite...

4 years ago

Kevin Langeree is easily one of the biggest names in kiteboarding. With his career as a pro athlete spanning 20 years, he has risen to...

4 years ago

It's not often that the UK is blessed with strong winds during the summer, but when it does happen, it's pretty insane! Watch Sam Light...

4 years ago

When Kevin Langeree broke the news that he was launching his own kite brand in partnership with Damien Girardin, it was huge news! Now, in...

4 years ago

BIG NEWS at O’Neill and Reedin! We're stoked to announce that O'Neill and Kevin Langeree's REEDIN kites have partnered up and created an impressive kite,...

5 years ago

We all need a bit of feel good in our lives today, this film about David, he was 77 when this film was made in...

5 years ago

KEVVLOG³ #16 is out! In this episode, Kevin Langeree found some leftover swell from the hurricane that past by during the wave classic in Cape...

5 years ago

The 2019 Cape Hatteras Wave Classic presented by Patagonia is a wave-focused kitesurfing event held September 14th–20th in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Registration This is...