News Tagged: 'Nuno Figueiredo'

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11 years ago

Nuno Stru Figueiredo has a quick bit of homework for you all this weekend, Back Roll Strapless on a wave, we want you all to...

11 years ago

How's this for a whole heap of rad? Nuno Stru Figueiredo gets shacked off his brains as he tours the Atlantic coastlines of Morocco, Spain...

11 years ago

I've got to say it, but these barrels are some of the heaviest I have seen in a kite movie! It looks like Best Kiteboarding...

11 years ago

Check out this waveriding shredathon with Pedro Henrique and Nuno Figueiredo in Dakhla deep in the Western Sahara. The Cabo is the 100% wave focused...

12 years ago

Best team rider Nuno Stru Figueiredo gets some strapless action in over in Morocco, it's been a while since I have seen a wave riding...

12 years ago

Here is the wrap up video for the wave event in Dakhla, Morocco of the 2013 PKRA. Kevin and Jalou Langeree won the event. Full...

12 years ago

The end of the event was marked with the closing ceremony and the distribution of the trophies and prize money. The Wali of Dakhla and...