News Tagged: 'Mark Shinn'

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5 years ago

Mark Shinn's Atlantic Sessions Vol.3 - Crash Section!

5 years ago

A first for Shinn, the Slicer is a complete re-invention of the split board concept. A 3-piece split features both board and PU connector all...

5 years ago

All-new for 2020, the ADHD Distortion is Shinn's highest performance deck. Stiff enough to perform yet, comfortable enough to enjoy we've built an entirely new...

5 years ago

In this tech talk, Mark Shinn talks us through Shinnworld's Sneakers HMT. Comfort, Control and Protection - the product of more than 18 months of...

5 years ago

Pinbot is the Shinn that provides the fastest and yet easiest way to master your skills allowing you to approach your riding knowing that your...

5 years ago

Check out this tutorial on how to mount your foil on your Jackson.

5 years ago

Shinn's 2020 ADHD Distortion is out! Stiff enough to perform yet comfortable enough to enjoy we’ve built an entirely new hull concept to bring you...

5 years ago

Shinn's all-new Monkette Double Trouble is out! Unbelievable chop handling, amazing carving and an outstandingly comfy ride –and add even more grip, rip and slash...

5 years ago

This is the all-new Monk Glitch! Over the past 8 years, Shinn has tweaked and tuned this proven design, but for 2020, they've taken an...
