News Tagged: 'Manera'

Page 32 of 76
5 years ago

One of the best movies we saw last year, #KitersInIsolation - get ready for 17 minutes of jaw-dropping footage, the Manera crew left us awestruck...

5 years ago

2 min of mind-blowing action, captured by Kyle Cabano. Capturing the stories of inspiring people and being able to re-tell it to thousands is an...

5 years ago

Learn to progress your kitesurfing from your sofa with Rob Claisse! Rob just released episode 4: Riding Toeside of Kitesofaing. Do you want to learn...

5 years ago

Times are tough, but when you've got movies like this to keep you entertained; quarantine does get just slightly easier! Sit yourself down with a...

5 years ago

Learn to progress your kitesurfing from your sofa! Episode 2: Looping the kite - Many kiteboarders will look scared when you tell them to try...

5 years ago

#KitersInIsolation  - Everything is linked together; that link is passion. Passion for the ocean, passion for kiteboarding, passion for innovation. LINKED is a story about...

5 years ago

#KitersInIsolation, today we're watching Liam Whaley's 'All or Nothing' Part One and Two, so if you haven't watched them yet, grab a coffee and have...

5 years ago

Watch Dion Agius and Brendon Gibbens as they prove why surfing can be considered as a performing art rather than just a simple sport. Addicted...

5 years ago

#KitersInIsolation - we're watching F-ONE's Gift. Watch the crew kill it in Mauritius. Times are tough, and some of us might, undoubtedly, be feeling a little...
