News Tagged: 'Life Of Garrick'

4 years ago

Do you have a plan for when it all hits the fan? We often see mind-blowing videos of big air kiting in extreme conditions, but...

4 years ago

New Zealand is full of pretty places to explore by land and by kite! Garrick takes us along on an overpowered adventure to Ward Island...

4 years ago

Is there anything better than a boost off session with your kite buddies? Garrick takes us for a ride in Mana, which he describes as...

7 years ago

3m swell and 40-knot winds looked like a pretty sick session until you had to self-land your kite! Your thoughts?

7 years ago

Interesting story this one! Everyone survived. This has to be one of those moments when I thought I was going to die. My legs were...
