News Tagged: 'Ketos Foils'

7 years ago

Foiling in Scotland looks truly stunning! The backdrops in this edit are second to none, we'd love to do a foiling trip up there.

7 years ago

If you think learning to tack on a hydrofoil is hard, then check out the ridiculous skills of Steph Goffinet. It’s not just his prowess...

7 years ago

Carrying your foil, launching with it, body dragging.. Its all pretty difficult stuff the the newcomer. Find out how to do it here! How to...

8 years ago

Foiling in 40 knots, strapless and in waves. That can't be easy! A very different edit from Steph Goffinet.

8 years ago

Lee 'Pasty' Harvey takes the new North Kiteboarding Ace for a spin on his foil. Ideal conditions for it! North Kiteboarding Ace 14.5m 1st test...

8 years ago

Steph Goffinet's strapless foiling skills are unreal. This high quality edit is on point. Make sure you check it out!

8 years ago

Woah! How's this for some strapless foil jiggery pokery! Simply unreal talents on display by Stéphane Goffinet on his Ketos foil! You have to watch...

8 years ago

Join UK foiler Lee Harvey as he glides his away around Cornwall on his Ketos foil. This edit goes to show that the UK gets some...

8 years ago

Proving that the Frenchies have the moves down when it comes to hydrofoil jiggery pokery Stephane Goffinet steps up to the plate in this edit....
