News Tagged: 'Ian Alldredge'

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9 years ago

You need to see this full power big wave edit! James Ropner gets huge strapless airs and shreds in challenging windy conditions. James Ropner Riding...

9 years ago

James Ropner has landed perfect strapless kiting conditions in this edit! Huge airs and spectacular waves make this film the ideal Sunday inspiration to get...

10 years ago

Join Reo Stevens as he sums up just how great kite surfing is. Aided by some of the best riders in the world, ripping some of the...

10 years ago

If you've got the time on your hands and the software to do it why not cut a compilation video of your favorites segments from...

10 years ago

Everyone loves a wipeout, but all to often in the movies the camera cuts just as things get tough... Thankfully here is a clip featuring...

11 years ago

Check out Ian Aldridge and Patrick Rebstock on a recent visit to the Middle East, they were filmed at Sunhera Beach, Pakistan riding in the...

11 years ago

If this is just a camera test, just imagine what is to come from Peter Trow, possibly the best strapless waveriding video I have seen...