News Tagged: 'Gin Kiteboarding'

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8 years ago

The eco-responsible approach of this twintip board is a globally innovative concept. It isn’t a simple marketing ploy that you may see a lot of these...

8 years ago

As kiteboarders, we depend on clean water and reliable weather patterns to enjoy our sport. We need to care for mother earth if we want...

8 years ago

GIN KITEBOARDING is excited to celebrate their 10th Aniversary. To mark the occasion, they will be releasing new products and taking a moment to reflect...

8 years ago

This upbeat promo video from GIN Kiteboarding will tell you everything you need to know about the GIN & Tonic Bar v3. As well as the...

9 years ago

Watch as three of the top ladies in the freestyle kiteboarding world battle against each other in a fun game of KITE at the famous...

9 years ago

Top professional kitesurfer Dioneia Vieira enjoys her time away from home in this seamless and beautiful edit. This will definitely brighten up your day! About...

10 years ago

Gin Kiteboarding announced the release of a new board line, the Geek. The Geek aims to suit riders who are looking for a smooth ride...

10 years ago

Here's something a little different, a narrated kitesurfing film. Lukas Walton-Keim invites us inside his world and inside his head for two minutes of super...

10 years ago

Gin are all set to do battle in the snowkite market, and they are serious about being the best. One of the best-known paragliding brands...