News Tagged: 'Dylan van der Meij'

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9 years ago

British Columbia has got a huge amount to offer when it comes to outdoor sports and kitesurfing is no exception. Watch as Dylan van der Meij...

10 years ago

Check out the North Sea at it's best! A day down the beach in strong winds, sunshine and boosting high with your mates. This film is a must watch if...

10 years ago

Have you ever been for a night kite? Join the Flysurfer team as they kite from dusk till dawn. Woop Productions have used high tech cameras to...

10 years ago

Get ready for something rather special... Imagine crossing the Red Arrows coloured smoke trails with a kite movie! Check out this exceedingly creative project by...

10 years ago

Such great heights.. We all dream about flying, to have endless time in the air and to be able to boost to new heights, while...

10 years ago

Big kites, big locations and a big film. Imagine yourself; epic scenery, amazing wildlife, beautiful beaches, stable trade-winds and friendly locals. Now open your eyes, we...

10 years ago

It's not all about the foil Kites- Flysurfer & Flyboards team rider  Dylan van der Meij takes some time out from his training before the the...

11 years ago

There is a solid mix of airstyle and freestyle in this edit from Dylan van der Meij as he tears up the tranquil island of...

11 years ago

A break from South Africa, lets head back to Brazil where Dylan van der Meij spent a bit of time training and avoiding the Dutch...
