News Tagged: 'Dakhla Spirit'
6 years ago
Once again, it was a Brazilians take over! Just in case you missed all the action last weekend, we've got you covered. Check out the...
6 years ago
The finals for both the Men and Women were held today at Dakhla Spirit, with perfect conditions for the last day of Competition in Morocco....
6 years ago
The penultimate day of the Elite Championship in Dakhla was blessed once again with ideal freestyle wind conditions. The competition commenced at 1 pm, completing...
6 years ago
Competition commenced at 12 midday with optimal conditions and a high tide. Round 2 for the Men was completed together with Round 1 for the...
6 years ago
The top freestyle kiteboarders have all arrived in Dakhla for the start of what is set to be an incredible week of action. The wind...
6 years ago
The Qualifier Championship kicked off today in Dakhla, Morocco, with optimal kite conditions at this world famous stop. The registration took place at 9 am...
7 years ago
We're excited! Follow our journey! 30 riders, 400 km, 6 days - This exceptional adventure rallied in Lagouira in kitesurfing along the Moroccan coast from...
11 years ago
The crew from Unhooked.Be head to the Dakhla Spirit kite camp in Morocco and score some of the amazing flat water there and some fantastic...