News Tagged: 'Bruno Dubosq'

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10 years ago

Stop what you're doing and join Charlotte Consorti for five minutes of awesome kiting in a simply amazing location. We've partied around Koh Phangan, Thailand....

10 years ago

In the middle of the Leeward Islands you might just find kiting perfection, especially if you have a catamaran on hand to take you sailing...

11 years ago

Charlotte Consorti and Bruno Dubosq star in this great looking movie from Senegal, it's been a while since we have seen the African nation on...

11 years ago

F-One Team Rider Charlotte Consorti checks out a small Island of the east coast of Cuba and discovers a kitesurfers paradise where you can roll...

12 years ago

Happy Monday Morning! Ease yourself into work with this excellent edit from Sardinia featuring a road trip with the very talented Charlotte Consorti and Bruno...
