News Tagged: ''

9 years ago

Even the best can get it wrong! Watch as old school kiting guru Toby Braeuer survives numerous crashes in this trailer! This one is bound to...

10 years ago

Check out Toby Braeuer's no handed frontroll! What do you reckon? Is the trick cool or just a bit strange looking? Sweet little trick everyone...

10 years ago

We can't get enough of these. Here's another hooked trick to master this weekend from Toby Braeuer. We get a different view on Toby's style...

10 years ago

Toby Braeuer is back with another classic old-school trick for you to master before bedtime. This time round it's the classic Backroll Board Slide Backroll...

10 years ago

Toby Braeuer blows our minds once again, his creativity knows no bounds it seems... If you watch one kite movie today make it this one!...

10 years ago

How Toby Braeuer keeps coming up with awesome new variations is simply amazing. Roll this one out at the beach this Saturday and impress your...

10 years ago

Put your lunch away and grab something you can practice this trick with. Here's another classic from Toby Braeuer's huge bag of tricks. We'll be...

10 years ago

Toby is loading up Airstyle with new tricks. He's always working on broadinening the scope of his DVD's so there's never been a better chance...

10 years ago

There's no doubt about it when you think of old school big air tricks the first name that springs to mind is owner Toby...
