News Tagged: 'Aaron Hadlow'

Page 14 of 49
5 years ago

North team riders flew the Orbit to unprecedented heights at this year’s Red Bull King of the Air, taking out three first-place wins in front...

5 years ago

King of the Air had a bit of a false start as the wind in Cape Town hasn't been playing ball! However, it did give...

5 years ago

Sam Light's first few days back in Cape Town have been nothing short of epic! Windy big air sessions, downwinders with Willem Hooft and a...

5 years ago

It's that time of the year already and the big air kiteboarding season is upon us! The whole kiteboarding industry floods to Cape Town for...

5 years ago

In this #teamtalk, Tom Court talks us through unboxing of the new 2020 Entity Foot strap system. These straps and pads are designed to e...

5 years ago

Laci Kobulsky filmed and shared some seriously good footage over 2019 from 12 different countries - check out the highlights, right here!

5 years ago

Ion’s 2020 range is looking sweeter than ever, have a look and see the enhancements they have made this year; giving us a wide range...

5 years ago

No one can deny that Aaron Hadlow's movie TWENTY deserves this nomination! 2019 marked the 20th year since Aaron Hadlow first flew a kite. He...

5 years ago

In the latest Duotone #TeamTalk, Tom Court talks us through the 2020 Duotone Kiteboarding Entity Foot strap system. High-end foot straps with some of the...
