Gin Kiteboarding’s Xavier De Le Rue is living out his dreams of exploring the stunning Norwegian countryside. He embarked on a kite trip to the Lyngen Alps, a destination long on his bucket list to fulfil his lifelong aspiration. However, due to the unstable conditions in the Alps, he opted for a different project that involved combining paragliding and free riding. He aimed to find a coastal snowpack with stable conditions, enabling him to explore a new territory using his rolling base.

Although faced with minimal wind blowing in the wrong direction for his desired runs, Xavier still managed to have an incredible day of snowkiting on the North Islands. This trip served as a scouting mission to determine the wind conditions for his desired runs.

Throughout his journey, Xavier has relied on his Shaman kite and has been consistently amazed by its user-friendliness and the multitude of possibilities it provides. He plans to utilise this transportation for his upcoming adventure to Antarctica later this year.

Head over to Gin Kiteboarding to read the full story!

Tue 7th Nov, 2023 @ 12:00 pm


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