T-Shirt and Hoodie

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T-Shirt and Hoodie

In this video, Alex Pastor shows you the first five kite tricks every beginner kitesurfer must learn! They are one of the easiest kite tricks but are also highly versatile.

The five kiteboarding tricks are:

1. Grabs

Grabs are probably the easiest air tricks you can do kiteboarding, but what is more challenging is to make them look good. You can start with the simplest of grabs, like a nose or tail grab, and then progress to harder ones.

2. Pop to toeside or blind

This trick is handy as it should be the first rotation we should learn, so we only have to do a tiny pop that looks more like an ollie. If we do a standard pop, our body will get pushed forward quite a bit more, and we’ll be forced to do a raley.

3. Back roll

The back roll is one of the most popular tricks in kitesurfing, you can do it with many other variations, so it’s important to get this fundamental trick dialled before we move into the more advanced stuff. It’s the base of many tricks whether you like to do wakestyle or old school.

4. Front roll

For the front roll and all air tricks, the start of the trick is the same, we get tension on our lines to get a good pop, but when we lift off from the water, instead of continuing the same pop rotation, we have to spin the other way.

5. Downloop transition

A downloop transition is a straightforward trick, but it’s a great introduction to the kiteloop trick family, something every kiter wants to learn at some point. Starting with a downloop to turn around is not only the safest way to start with the loops, but it will also bring a new way to turn around without losing any speed, and we will create some extra power that will allow us to throw some spray. Downloops are also very useful if we want to perform them while wave riding so we can get some extra speed to catch up on the tide.

Check out Alex’s blog right here.

Wed 7th Dec, 2022 @ 6:00 pm


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Alex Pastor


