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T-Shirt and Hoodie

Change is in the air, and if you’ve been watching the Olympic and Formula Kite discipline, this announcement may be of interest to you! Check out the video and statement from Gin Kiteboarding here:

“As it may have caught your attention, we recently started communicating with our Gin athletes about Formula Kite events even though the kites used were Flymaax Boom V2s. Indeed, two years ago, Gin Kiteboarding decided to take a step into the race sector and have an opportunity to be at the Olympics. Flymaax was then absorbed into the company so that we could present the most performant kite on the market, the Formula 1 of kites.

From now on, our Boom V2 will feature the Gin Kiteboarding logo. So feel free to tag Gin Kiteboarding on your racing, training, and leisure sessions!”

Wed 17th Aug, 2022 @ 3:00 am


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