T-Shirt and Hoodie

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T-Shirt and Hoodie

When a frozen lake melts, there’s no other choice but to kite it, right?! Mikkel Hansen didn’t hesitate for this winter session in Denmark.

“Went to what we call the “brown” lagoon in the summer. This summer it was a green lagoon haha. But during the winter the water is just “normal” I guess. The day before this video was filmed I went to the same spot to ride it, but it was completely frozen and with a whole day with plus degrees I took the chance and drove the one hour it takes for me to get there, hoping all the way that the lagoon “little lake” wasn’t frozen and I could kitesurf in it.

During the winter here in Denmark, our kiteboard sessions are often grey and mostly raining but this surf session was something very different from what I expected. It was a “warm” sunny day with good stable wind for the 9m Orbit 2021. There was almost nobody around so I had the whole thing to myself which almost never happens. There was no doubt that I was gonna ride as long as my body would let me and I was able to catch some video to share how awesome this ride was.”

Fri 5th Feb, 2021 @ 9:00 pm


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