T-Shirt and Hoodie

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T-Shirt and Hoodie

New Zealand is full of pretty places to explore by land and by kite! Garrick takes us along on an overpowered adventure to Ward Island (definitely not Mana Island!) on his Core 10m XR4A in the latest video from Life of Garrick.

A long weekend made it a valid excuse for us to head to a part of the country that had wind forecast for all three consecutive days.

What more apt place in the world has that kind of forecast other than the windiest city in the world… WELLINGTON!

Eastbourne was sunny, windy and most of the WellyCrew were turning up to make the most of it.

There was talks about heading out to WARD ISLAND. I was a bit skeptical as I had never done the trip across, and to be honest I was fairly LIT on the 10m XR4.

Sometimes in life though, you have to risk it – for the biscuit…

Tue 29th Dec, 2020 @ 12:00 am


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