T-Shirt and Hoodie

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T-Shirt and Hoodie

Just in case you missed it! Friday afternoon saw the KSWT men’s single elimination climax with a fully fired up final between Airton Cozzolino and Matchu Lopes! Matchu landed a double front, but Airton rapidly stacked tricks like a machine gun, including two handle-passes.

#GKAAirGames single elimination continued…
Only a few heats ran before the wind dropped but there was enough time for Jesse Richman and Posito Martinez to display more impressive all-round freestyle skills.

Sadly Liam Whaley was injured during an intense match-up with close rival Carlos Mario and is out of the game for a few months.

Saturday will see the Air Games and women’s #straplessfreestyle semi-finals…

For the full report: please click here!

Sun 1st Jul, 2018 @ 1:00 am


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