As kiteboarders, we depend on clean water and reliable weather patterns to enjoy our sport. We need to care for mother earth if we want our sport to continue to grow. GIN KITEBOARDING is making this task easier with the new, ECO-BOARD. This Swiss-made product is made in a manner that’s as environmentally friendly as possible. GIN shares all the details, below.

GIN KITEBOARDING unveils its brand new limited edition kiteboard, 100% Swiss made and eco-responsible! This one-of-a-kind ECO-BOARD, with a highly reduced environmental impact, is handcrafted close to Bienne in Switzerland. It’s made of Swiss wood and biocomposite materials.


GIN KITEBOARDING has developed the ECO-BOARD in an effort to create products that are more respectful of nature: “The eco-responsible approach of this twintip board is a globally innovative concept. It isn’t a simple marketing ploy that you may see a lot of these days in the market, the ecological concern is in its genes: we maximize the natural components and limit the transportation carbon footprint,” confides Fabienne Kaufmann, manager at GIN KITEBOARDING. “We went even one step further by building by hand the press (machine for sticking and compressing the layers that make the boards), nearly entirely out of wood.”

The ECO-BOARD is produced in the Bern County in Switzerland and is destined mainly for the Swiss and European customers. It’s made from poplar and walnut wood from the Bern region. This is a local manufacture and uses biocomposites. The GIN KITEBOARDING logo is burnt on to the board with a branding iron and gives the ECO-BOARD a beautifully refined look. Each board is a unique model, individually numbered with distinctive shades of the two-colored walnut wood. Each piece is carefully handcrafted.

The ECO-BOARD is a limited edition: produced in small series representing a total of one hundred boards available for pre-order in May 2017 and for sale in shops this summer.

More information:

Size: 132 x 39 I 135 x 40 I 138 x 41 I 141 x 42
Numbering: from 1 to 100
Flex: two options, medium or stiff
Use: twintip board, freeride-freestyle

The ECO GIN label

The essence of kitesurfing is environmentally friendly: being pulled along over water, earth or snow thanks to the power of the wind and without an engine. Offering eco-responsible products to riders seems like an obvious solution for the Swiss brand. GIN KITEBOARDING is conscious of the efforts and improvements that can still be made in this domain and the creation of the “ECO GIN” label clearly emphasizes its willingness to reduce as much as possible its ecological footprint in the creation of its products and through tangible actions.

Huge progress is still to be made as far as eco-responsibility goes. Since the creation of the brand ten years ago, the GIN KITEBOARDING team has set clear objectives to adopt a more and more responsible approach to its production. For example, they use recycled cardboard from local companies to pack their products. They give a second life to used kites by giving them to schools for manual activities and also to Rondechute, who make bags and accessories in Fribourg, Switzerland. These small actions testify to a real ecological awareness.

Sat 6th May, 2017 @ 12:00 am


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