Mother Nature didn’t make it easy on the competitors during the final day of competition at the Kite Clash in Squamish. Light wind and rain were on tap throughout the day. The Junior Open Freestyle and Women’s Open Freestyle were contested before the competition was called off for the day. Read the details, provided by Kite Clash organizers, below.

The final day of Kite Clash turned out to be a tricky one for riders. The howling winds of Day 2 dropped to 13 knots with a gust of 15 knots. But that didn’t keep kiters off the water.
The Open Freestyle Junior Boys were the first up. Jack Rieder rode into his third podium placement of Kite Clash taking the top spot. Tomas Aguirre came in second and Vetea Boersma was third.

The women’s open saw Corrie Coons snag another podium win. Despite the light wind, she was able to put on a good show. Squamish local Alex Waterson showed her stuff as she pulled out consistent tricks and a nice front roll at the end of her ride. Third place went to Rachel Hughes from New Zealand.

“The conditions were super tough,” Coons said. “All the girls rocked it, it was super fun.”

Waterson said she was pretty stoked. She managed to land her first front roll in front of a crowd in her first competition. “It was pretty tough. The wind was pretty light. The key was to be able to stay upwind,” Waterson said.

What an experience, Kite Clash organizer Steve Tulk said. This year the conditions for the big air were “epic,” Tulk said. The kiters were able to reach heights of 13 metres. “Yesterday was honestly one of the single best days of Kite Clash,” Tulk said.
The men’s open freestyle was getting underway when the rain came and the wind died.

Check out Kite Clash Squamish on Facebook for more info.

Wed 31st Aug, 2016 @ 3:00 am


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