The young and talented Camille Delannoy has been added the F-ONE and MANERA International Team. Camille is an up-and-coming French rider who is passionate about strapless surfboard riding. Camille splits his year between Prea, Brazil and the mountains of France. Read more about Camille from F-ONE, below.

Camille Delannoy comes from a competitive skiing background.

Camille Delannoy comes from a competitive skiing background.

We are pleased to announce that Camille Delannoy has joined the F-ONE & MANERA International Team!

Camille is a young French rider of 17 years old and lucky enough to spend 8 months a year in Brazil plus another 4 up in the mountains in France. Coming from the ski, this passionate of strapless and wave riding has a huge playground for his training. His progression is considerable, so let’s keep an eye on him, you will be surprised!

Let’s find out a little more about Camille:

How long have you been practicing kitesurf for and what’s your favorite spot?
I’ve been Kitesurfing since 2011. My favorite spot is my home spot: Prea in Brasil. It’s just perfect.

What’s a perfect session for you?
25-30 knots with some nice wave series and a session where I will pass a new trick (because it’s really cool when I get it) ….but, unfortunately, it is not every day…… and, for sure, a good downwind with my family (parents and sister) or friends, it’s really cool too.

What is your life philosophy?
Have a good time all the time

Camille has a bright future as a progressive wave rider.

Camille has a bright future as a progressive wave rider.

Discover the complete profile of Camille on our website:

Wed 13th Jan, 2016 @ 12:00 am


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