T-Shirt and Hoodie

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T-Shirt and Hoodie

Kite with Danish couple Emil and Emely, they are finally back on the water after suffering serious injuries. Emely torn her ACL last year in Brazil and went through surgery, while Emil broke his ankle, and had to walk on crunches for weeks. This forced them to go cold turkey. After spending endless hours in the gym and on the yoga mat they decided to go back to Turkey this summer, to get back to their freestyle level.
Besides kitesurfing in perfect conditions and without wetsuit, they enjoyed their time together, the hospitality of the local, great food and the different culture.
Enjoy their enjoyment on finally being back on the water!

Thanks to: Kitedanmark, Bestkiteboarding.com, bikiniempire.ca, Urla Surf House, kitextreme

Mon 14th Sep, 2015 @ 10:00 am


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