Gabi tearing it up

Gabi tearing it up

For all the fully addicted ladies out there, who challenge their equipment to the maximum, ION-Products are happy to present the women´s Amp Level suits

The material combinations satisfy any needs and the stylish looking designs will underline your performance on the water. Well thought out product features complete this very competitive line-up.

ION Jewel-Amp

ION Jewel-Amp

The JEWEL AMP is available from now on, in Semidry 6/5; 5,5; 4,5 and Overknee LS 4/3 and retails starting from 339.- €./£ 279,95

ION Isis-Amp

ION Isis-Amp

The ISIS AMP is available from now on, in Semidry 5/4; 4/3 and 3/2  and retails starting from 329.- €./£ 259,95

ION Hybrid-Amp

ION Hybrid-Amp

The HYBRID AMP is available from now on, in Semidry 5/4 and Overknee LS 4/3  and retails starting from 329.- €./£ 279,95

These wetsuits are just a few  out of 25 different wetsuit lines ION offers. The full product line, including more budget oriented models, can be found on:

Sat 15th Nov, 2014 @ 1:00 pm


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