T-Shirt and Hoodie

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T-Shirt and Hoodie

Eyeforce are a production company hailing from the Netherlands, thier filming and edits are second to none, if you want to see some real inspiration check out the video they made about Tommy Carroll at the bottom of this post, a blind skateboarder. Anyway this show reel is filled with stunning imagery that your brain deserves to digest…

Athletes in order of appearance:
Guilaume Nery
Tommy Carroll
B-Boy Tawfiq
Youri zoon
Jordy Smith
Tim Emmet
Bjorn Kaupang
Kjeld Nuis
Ruben Lenten
Kevin Langeree
David Coulthard
Robbie Naish
Lars ten Harkel
B-boy Jazzy
B-boy Skychief


For more of our work, visit http://www.eyeforce.nl and like us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Eyeforce/107188309312102

“Eyeforce is a video production company with roots in the action sports industry.
Our team of creatives, directors, cameramen, editors and motion graphic designers are passionate about delivering high value productions.
Eyeforce produces films, TV series, web content and commercials for a large variety of clients.
We believe that good things are created by people who love what they do.”

Song: M83 – Lower Your Eyelids To Die With The Sun

Tue 21st Jan, 2014 @ 7:00 pm


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