T-Shirt and Hoodie

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T-Shirt and Hoodie

Rolling with the boys out in the US, the UKcrew hit Hatteras – Following the success of the ‘FreeRide Project’ Movie that we produced at the end of 2011 after full years riding, we have decided to start work on the FreeRide Project 2. We kicked off 2013 in Cape Town, South Africa and this time we move on to the Triple-S Kiteboarding contest in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. An epic contest and great spot to hit some obstacles behind a kite…

Check out this section pre-view from the event and a week of filming beforehand. Re-connecting with the UKcrew, Hadlow, Court, Light and Boulding. True to form we where as unorganised as ever but got the job done…here is the pre-view!

The FRP2 Movie will span the globe following the UKcrew riders Aaron Hadlow, Tom Court, Sam Light and James Boulding. We will hit some different countries, new locations and ride with the local crew’s wherever we go…expect to see some action from more riders in this movie!! Releasing year end 2013…

For more updates and to follow our progress ‘like’: https://www.facebook.com/kitefreeride
or visit: http://www.ripslix.co.uk

To watch or download the original FreeRide Project: https://vimeo.com/41314544

Thanks to everyone that makes this possible and all that help film!

Edit: Tom Court

Rustik Records
Born Ina Barn
Joe Publik solo album – release summer 2013
follow http://www.youtube.com/user/borninabarnuk for more tunes!!

Get your #FreeRideProject riding vests here: https://palmeralocal.com/freeride-project

Mon 8th Jul, 2013 @ 9:00 am


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