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T-Shirt and Hoodie

Our PKRA Correspondent checks in with the behind the scenes gossip and a video of the mens final in the doubles between Alex Pastor and Marc Jacobs…

“I thought that it was windy yesterday, but today I found out that its possible to kite in even more wind! The conditions for the last day of the doubles were absolutely crazy!

We had up to 40 knots of wind some big gusts and thankfully a sunny blue sky.

The top guys were going big as always and once more it was Marc Jacobs who was able to stop Youri Zoon climbing up the ladder after his early defeat yesterday. Not a great start to the season for Youri, but all credit to Marc for riding so powerfully in the testing conditions!

Even Aaron Hadlow was not able to beat Marc’s power when they met in a heat! The consistency of Alex Pastor in the testing conditions helped him to defeat Marc after a lengthy delay due to a flag error in the pervious heat. Alex is looking very strong for the overall title this year!

5 Times World Champ Aaron Hadlow put up a good fight, but was no match for Marc Jacobs. Photo: James Boulding

5 Times World Champ Aaron Hadlow put up a good fight, but was no match for Marc Jacobs. Photo: James Boulding

In the women’s devision it was Marie Switala and Annabel van Westerop, who were able to win their heats and in the end it was Annabel who was against me.  It was a close heat but she landed one more trick than I did and moved on face Bruna Kayija. Bruna was showing some impressive tricks and power, it was enough to beat Annabel but she then lost out against Karolina Winkowska.

Manuela Jungo scored a 4th in the singles but lost out in the doubles to take the 5th spot. Photo: James Boulding

Manuela Jungo scored a 4th in the singles but lost out in the doubles to take the 5th spot. Photo: James Boulding

In the finals for the girls it was Giselas control and flare that enabled her to beat the current World Champion Winkowska in a very close heat.

Both Alex and Gisela ride and live in Tarifa where super windy ad hectic conditions like this are very common, it was clear to see their experience pay off  here in Leucate!

We know have a months break before the next event in Sicily, Italy which kicks off on the 25th of June. Time for Youri to take stock of the bad start to the season, Aaron to put some more training time in and see if he can come back for a win, and for myself to train as hard as possible so I can start to challenge for the the top spot! No doubt everyone is going to be busy over the next 4 weeks so they can be at their best in Italy…”

Wed 24th Apr, 2013 @ 11:00 am


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