HB Surfkite

HB Surfkite


7 years ago

This 15 minute film really captures the wilderness of Ireland. A full on strapless kitesurfing adventure. It looks outstanding! This is what the Strapless Society...

7 years ago

The strapless front roll is quite possibly the pinnacle of strapless freestyle. If you want to do it then make sure you watch this tutorial!...

9 years ago

Join Alan Kavanagh as he kite big waves in off shore winds in Ireland. Conditions like these are a rare find and Alan was lucky enough...

9 years ago

Earlier this summer the Strapless Society released three incredibly popular short films, now they have combined these to create one stunning 10 minute strapless kiting...

10 years ago

Don't miss the final chapter of the Strapless Society's Get Together series. Vasco Santos, Papy Duarte, and Hervé Bouré awe viewers with seemingly impossible strapless...

10 years ago

You have to see the strapless airs these guys are pulling! The level of strapless kitesurfing continues to rise with Hervé Bouré, Vasco Santos and Papy...

10 years ago

Join Hervé Bouré and his buddies Vasco Santos and Papy Duarte as they take you on a strapless shredfest around Cape Verde! This is beautifully...


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