Arthur Guillebert - Conquering Dunkerque

Jen Tyler chats with the French freestyle champ about battling tricky winds, overcoming injury, and the electric energy from the home crowd. Find out how he stayed focused in those nail-biting final moments and his plans to chase a second world title this season!

Issue 82

Mystic have just launched the impressive Stealth Harness, and we’ve got one to give away to a lucky subscriber this issue. Click here to win!
4 years ago
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Kitesurfing when it’s windy provides a much-needed hit of adrenalin that was denied to most of us during lockdown. The conditions finally turned on for an all-out, balls to the wall wave session at one of his local spots and Rou Chater was there for his fix. Read all about it right here...
4 years ago
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Bust, Boom, Now What?
COVID hit, and the industry went into panic mode, but then lockdown was eased, and sales went through the roof, “the best two months in the industry”, was a phrase we heard a lot, but what comes next? Rou Chater investigates, click here to check it out!
4 years ago
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No Place Like Home
Oswald Smith, Graham Howes, Kyle Cabano and friends travel north in their native South Africa for a staycation they won’t ever forget, dredging waves, fickle winds, magic sessions and campfires got them stoked for more. Click here to find out exactly how it went down...
4 years ago
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Robby Naish
Robby Naish needs no introduction when a story fell through this issue a throwaway email on the off chance of an interview led to one of the most candid chats Rou Chater has ever had with the legend himself. You don’t want to miss this one, and you can also hear the whole interview on Rou’s podcast.
4 years ago
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Christian and Karine are back once again with an impressive line up of tricks for you to learn, and we can get out and actually try them on the water this issue! If you are looking to spice up your riding, look no further with some stylish moves for you to master. Click here to get your homework.
4 years ago
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The Kite Boat Project
Sam Light has been pumping out the YouTube content lately, but his Kite Boat Project videos really caught our eye. Bringing back memories of Don Montague’s efforts from the past, we caught up with Sam to get the lowdown on his own interpretation that he has been working on. Find out all about it right here!
4 years ago
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Tried and Tested
We’ve got the last of the 2020 kit on test as we wait for the 2021 gear to start rolling through the door. This issue we have kites and boards on test from North, F-ONE, Core and Harlem. Find out what we thought right here.
4 years ago
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Insight - Malwina Shinn
The only female CEO of a major kiteboarding company that we are aware of, Malwina Shinn has a slightly different background to most of us. We focus on her many talents in our regular inspirational feature, looking at the women behind the scenes of the sport. Click here to read the full interview.
4 years ago
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More incredible images with no place to call home, check them out!
4 years ago
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The Interview - Alex Fox
Alex Fox has worked his way up the ranks of the kiteboarding world, from Pro Rider to graphic artist, and now Brand Manager at Slingshot he’s had an incredible journey. Find out what makes him tick and how he got to where he is.
4 years ago
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Tech Focus
We’ve adjusted our Tech Focus to feature more brands and more technological innovations from the sport. This issue the F-One Magnet Carbon, North Reach, Eleveight PRS Rails, Mystic Stealth Harness and Flysurfer VMG race kite go under the microscope…
4 years ago
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Movie Night
The best movies from our website over the last two months, check them out right here!
4 years ago
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