Zara Hoogenraad became the Big Air World Champion in 2024 after overcoming self-doubt, personal loss, and countless challenges. Her story is a testament to resilience and the belief that no dream is too big, inspiring others to pursue their dreams no matter how impossible they may seem. Read all about her journey exclusively in IKSURFMAG!

Recently, my biggest dream came true I became Big Air World Champion 2024. But it wasn't just about winning this title but the journey full of passion, hard work and challenges. Here's my story, hoping it encourages others to chase their dreams, no matter how impossible they might seem.

A New Goal

Two years ago, I became Vice World Champion. I felt lucky to have come that far at that time, believing the other women were much better than me. However, this achievement sparked a new goal: to become a World Champion. If your goals don't scare you, they need to be bigger.

My journey started as a tiny spark fueled by passion and hard work. I dedicated myself to training hard, eating healthy and maintaining a positive mindset. Doing something I love makes me happy and helps me grow. However, my biggest challenge has always been my mental state dealing with fear, self-doubt, and not being proud of myself.

Feeling scared and doubtful is normal. These insecurities push me to work harder and improve. When things go wrong, I pick myself up and keep going. Every setback makes me stronger. Negative thoughts and self-doubt are always there, and there are times when I almost give up. But I've learned that having these feelings is okay; they are a part of life. The key is to push through them. Doubts and fears can be turned into motivation. You don't have to be perfect to achieve your dreams; you must keep pushing through the tough times.


My biggest inspiration is my boyfriend, Giel, one of the world's best and most influential kitesurfers. His dedication and passion show me that with hard work, anything is possible. The women in the sport have also been a massive source of inspiration for me. The progression of athletes like Mika, Angely, Nathalie, Pippa, Jasmine and Lana motivates me to push my limits. We continually inspire each other to be our best.

The Road to the Championships

One week before the World Championship, my grandma passed away peacefully. I thought about returning to the Netherlands for her funeral on the same day as the Championship, but my family urged me to stay and compete. Despite feeling guilty for not being at her funeral, I took it as my strength to compete. Besides that, my close friend and training partner, Nathalie Lambrecht, suffered a severe knee injury. Seeing her dream of becoming a World Champion shatter was heartbreaking, but I promised her to compete for both of us. With my grandma and Nathalie in mind, I entered the World Championship.

Victory and Aftermath

The final was the most chaotic and intense one of my life. I tested my skills, resilience, and ability to adapt to pressure every moment. After landing three single loop scores, I switched to my 6m Pace for double loops. While having an awkward landing, a plastic strap piece broke, forcing me to return to shore for my spare board. I attempted my next trick with my spare board, but I hadn't tightened the screw enough, causing the whole strap to loosen during the landing of my trick. I couldn't edge and ended up riding straight into the rocky beach. Luckily, I didn't crash and still managed to put on a score.

With no spare board left, I borrowed one from Giel. The straps were too big, but there was no time to adjust them. I had one last attempt. As I prepared for the final trick, Giel yelled, "Boogie double loop, it's now or never!". I had never done this trick before, but I had no choice. With adrenaline pumping, I went for it. Somehow, I landed it perfectly. The whole beach erupted in cheers. Overwhelmed with emotion, I started crying, realising that I might have just become World Champion.

As I reached the shore, someone from the organisation ran to me with the Dutch flag, confirming I had won. Giel came running towards me in tears. Tears of happiness streamed down my face. Despite all the doubts and challenges, I did it. My dream came true.

Competing with a big smile on my face has been my secret weapon. I compete so much better when I'm enjoying myself, and the experience I've gained has taught me to keep my head cool.

Looking Ahead

Winning the world title is a dream come true, but my journey doesn't end here. I am excited about pushing the limits further and inspiring more people. My next goal is to push for more women's divisions in competitions, starting with the Queen of the Air 2024, to ensure future generations have greater opportunities.

The greatest gift I can give you is the encouragement to follow your dreams. This journey has shown me the power of believing in yourself. Never forget that you are capable of achieving amazing things. My passion has been my driving force. Passion fuels motivation, and remember that with hard work, dedication, and a positive mindset, no goal is too big to achieve.


By Zara Hoogenraad
