Rou Chater catches up with Cabrinha’s Chairman of the Board, Jon Modica, to discuss taking over the company, product development, relocating the headquarters to Miami, the brand's pro team, future plans for the company and much more. Read all about it in this issue’s “The Interview.”

Hi Jon, I hope you are well. It’s been a few years since you took over at Cabrinha. How has it been going, and has it turned out how you expected it to?

I've definitely learned to expect the unexpected! When we took over, we knew we'd face many challenges inherited from the previous owners. While we were relatively prepared for this, we could never have anticipated the extraordinary events brought on by COVID-19. Fortunately, one of the reasons I got involved was because of the incredible people at Cabrinha & Adventure Sports. I knew we could overcome any obstacle, and I'm proud to say we did.

Kent Marinkovic heads up most of the day-to-day operations. How hands-on are you with product design and involvement, rider picks, and other such matters?

Yes, this is a common point of confusion. Kent is the CEO of the company for a reason. While I'm extremely passionate about certain areas of the business, there are many aspects that might surprise people with how little I get involved. As Chairman of the Board, my role is to represent the other owners of the company. Although product development isn't typically part of my duties, I have an amazing team that balances my feedback with their day-to-day responsibilities. I usually get more involved in products designed for lighter wind conditions because I live in Florida, where it's often light. This creates a perfect balance, as most of the product team is based in very windy areas.

The products coming out of the factory are a few steps ahead of where things were before you took over. What are you incredibly proud of in the range for 2024?

We've definitely invested a lot of time and energy into product development. When we took over the company, it was almost stagnant in this area due to the previous owners' dire financial situation. The new Apex construction is something I'm particularly proud of, and it probably hasn't received the attention it deserves. Our team managed to significantly enhance the performance of all our kites without a substantial price increase. While experimenting with materials has become the new norm, I believe the Apex range offers the best value for improvement available.

We heard the Miami office, with its Hawaiian heritage, is going to become the brand's main headquarters. How difficult was that decision to make, and what advantages do you get from being based in Miami?

Maui will always be the heart and home of Cabrinha, and we continue to have a dedicated team there actively working on product development. However, Miami serves as our business office, being closer to the market and more convenient for travel. Therefore, it made sense to shift more of our team to Miami.

The markets in the UK and Europe have taken a dive lately. How is the US market holding up at the moment?

Certainly, there is a lot more happening in the EU and UK compared to the US. While COVID impacted the entire world, the EU and UK have also faced multiple wars and other economic challenges. It's a tough time for everyone there. The US has fared somewhat better, but the current oversupply issue is causing significant difficulties for US dealers, so they are not without their struggles.

There has been a run of bad luck here, with war pushing up prices and hitting consumers in the pocket. How are you navigating these tricky times as a brand, and what advantages do you have as a business?

Many industries are grappling with inflation and rising costs, making it hard to complain without sounding tone-deaf compared to what others are facing. Typically, wind sports have been relatively recession-resistant. However, I believe our industry is feeling the economic strain more acutely than in previous years, though I remain optimistic about the future. Cabrinha has many strong assets, but our greatest strength is our community of supporters. I'm often in awe of their loyalty and am extremely grateful for it. I will always be thankful to everyone who has supported this brand as much as I have over the years.

Do you feel like the good times are due to come back for the sport as a whole?

I feel they are already on their way! There is so much to be excited about. We have one of the best-structured tours in history, numerous new events for both professionals and amateurs and a variety of new sub-sports offering unique wind experiences. Plus, we have some very special new Drifter kites coming next year—wink wink.

You have a relatively lean pro team at the moment. Was that by luck or planned, and has that helped you navigate these more challenging times?

Quality over quantity? We certainly prioritize individuals we want to grow with as athletes and beyond. It's important to me to provide professional riders with a pathway to a career in the industry. I'm proud to be part of a brand that focuses on team members who fit our long-term vision rather than just short-term gains.  Quite a few of our current staff operating through our network of retailers and distributors came through Cabrinha's team and ambassador program.  Even myself!  I started off my journey in the sport as a national rider in the US, and lots of the people I currently work on day to day basis with were part of that journey.  This certainly forms part of the Cabrinha DNA and is clear to see at each dealer meeting we host.

We know you're a very keen rider, and there was talk of you entering the GKA wave events. Have you found the time to do any of those, or are you planning to do any in the future?

I am definitely eager to compete again before I officially enter the master's division! While I'm not sure if I'm at the level to qualify for tour events, I'm certainly going to give it a shot within the next year!

Miami has generally light winds and small waves. Where's your favourite place to get some decent wave-riding action, and when was your last getaway?

I live in Jupiter, FL, about 1.5 hours north of Miami. The waves may not be amazing, but the people at the beach and the general atmosphere make it one of the best places in the world to kite, in my opinion!

Are you ever tempted to get involved with any of the photo shoots? It was great to see the brand shooting in Tiree last year. Is that somewhere that you'd like to visit?

Believe it or not, I've never been to a Cabrinha photo shoot! That might need to change soon. I'm always eager to visit new places. Now that I have two kids, I'm waiting for them to get a bit older so they can start travelling with me and experiencing all the amazing places and communities out there.

Is Cabrinha working on anything exciting for the future regarding materials that we should be aware of or that you can talk about? This is where we are seeing the biggest advancements in kiteboarding right now.

We explore many ideas that don't make it to production. My goal as a brand is to find a better balance between high-quality materials and affordable pricing. We achieved this with the Apex product line.  It's been amazing to see this noticeable step-up in performance that customers feel when demoing these products while remaining incredibly competitive on price.  That said, I believe there's so much more potential to unlock and without saying too much, our Design Works program looks at these possibilities and emerging materials. Hopefully, you'll be seeing some of this in our upcoming products soon!

What's your proudest moment since taking over the brand?

Bringing Pat Goodman back was a game-changer! The first year without him just didn't feel quite right. Once he rejoined the team, it truly felt like home again.  He has such a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the products we make, and he has an infectious personality full of energy and passion!  His back catalogue of competition-winning kites is substantial, and he's played a huge role in our current kite range.  All the kites have that special P.Goodman feel that really just puts the fun into kiteboarding and gets people grinning ear to ear as they come in from a session

What was the toughest challenge?

Sending off all the great prototypes to other team riders! Ha. Overall, we've navigated many rapid changes in the industry, but for me, the toughest moments have been when members of our team have faced personal struggles.  It's through these tough times, though, that the power of the group shines bright, and it's humbling to see the dedication, passion and care shown by every person who plays a part in the brand

What are you looking forward to in the future for Cabrinha?

Finding new and innovative ways to bring wind sports experiences to everyone is key. Focusing on the products is easy, but the experiences create lasting memories. As a company, I hope we can continue to support and enhance these experiences.

By Rou Chater
Rou has been kiting since the sports inception and has been working as an editor and tester for magazines since 2004. He started IKSURFMAG with his brother in 2006 and has tested hundreds of different kites and travelled all over the world to kitesurf. He's a walking encyclopedia of all things kite and is just as passionate about the sport today as he was when he first started!
