In this Tech Focus feature, Ewan Jaspan discusses Naish Kiteboarding’s Psycho Nvision, a new kite built from the ground up. This kite is ideal for riders of all levels seeking control, confidence, and fast-forward drive. It's great for those aiming to go big with ease and confidence, and it's loved by the Pro team riders! If you enjoy a little tech talk, you’ll love this!

The Phoenix was launched in 2022 as an easy-to-use big-air freeride kite. Is the Psycho Nvision a totally new kite or a development of the Phoenix?

The Psycho is a totally new kite! The only thing in common with the Phoenix is the number of struts. Otherwise, it does not replace the Phoenix; it is a new kite with a new purpose and is completely designed from scratch. We took many things we had learned from previous kites and new ideas and innovations. It was the first kite we built around the Aluula GC-82 material instead of adapting existing models, which has given its performance characteristics unfound in other products around the market. 

The big news is the Alluula frame. There is no standard version of this kite. Is that on the cards, or is the focus on pure performance?

At Naish, we don’t do standard kites; all of our kites are quality kites with the best materials available. The Psycho Nvision is equipped with an Aluula airframe with our seam technology (crucial with Aluula) and in combination with Naish Quadtex. Having a solid airframe puts the most stress on the panels next to it. Quadtex is the stiffest canopy material available, and that is what makes our Nvision kites unique. They have a canopy that can withstand the stiffness of the Aluula.

For now, the kite is only available in Aluula, as we wanted to create a pinnacle kite and lean into designing it around the benefits GC-82 Aluula provides. In the future, we will work on a Dacron version, which will be the first time we have returned from Aluula to Dacron. It is interesting to see the differences this way, and so far, we are very happy with the results. Working between the materials, we are figuring out how to perfectly adapt designs to certain materials and gain the benefits without any trade-offs. The Aluula kite will remain superior in most regards, but you would hope so with the extra price tag! 

The leading edge and struts are super thin; how does this change the kite's characteristics?

This creates a kite that can fly forward exceedingly well on take-off, riding around, and catching through kite loops. We have also been able to create a solid structure kite but paired it with bridling and an arc, allowing the kite to turn fast and be trusted to do what you want when you want. This also allows for a closely matched centre of weight and centre of effort on the kite. The lighter and smaller LE, paired with the delicately placed draft position, means that the kite feels perfectly balanced and does not want to over-fly or back stall, staying ready for rider input at all times. 

The kite has a fixed bridle and uses a thinner TLS400 line. What's the advantage of using a fixed bridle, and how much faster do the thinner lines make the kite?

The fixed bridle gives the rider a hands on and direct feel to the kite. A 10-point bridle system paired with five struts and GC-82 gives a crisp feel that is unmatched in terms of control and awareness of what your kite is doing and where it is at all times. The TLS 400 bridle lines are aerodynamically efficient, creating near-to-no drag. We have very clean locking splices at all intersections and loops, further streamlining the bridle system. An added benefit of thinner bridle lines, which many people do not realise, is that the water relaunch is easier. Just like cutting through the air, the thinner lines break the surface tension of the water more easily and get your kite back in the air sooner. 

Can you tell us more about the Profile Lock Seam and how that works?

The Profile Lock Seam is a seam running along the deep point in the kite's profile. It is the part of the canopy with the highest stress, so adding a seam keeps the profile perfect over time, not letting the kite ‘bag out’ over time. The Profile Lock Seam, mixed with QuadTex, means the NVision kites last longer than any other composite material kite on the market. The Aluula airframe is extremely stiff and puts high demands on the canopy to match up, which is where QuadTex once again excels. It will keep your kite feeling fresh and brand new session after session.

When designing the kite, what performance characteristics are you looking to focus on? What makes a big air kite a big air kite?

For me, the main characteristic I wanted to hit was a feeling of control and confidence. The main thing that gives me the feeling and ability to go big is trust in my gear and trust that the kite will be there to catch me after any kite loop or jump. As we are now a few weeks after launch, the feedback so far has been overwhelming regarding the confidence this kite is giving people, especially riders of a level who want to take their first steps into kite looping and heli looping.  This level of confidence also aids high-level riders in their battle to commit to learning new technical tricks, knowing that all the power rests in their hands, as the Psycho will always be there for you, allowing you to access your Psycho side easily. 

Fast-forward drive was another characteristic we had to hit. This allows the rider to hold more power before going into a manoeuvre and then get a good vertical takeoff and early catch from loops. 

The last main characteristic we focused on was a bar feel that is intuitive and direct without being heavy. 

While the kite is aimed at the big air performance market, how easy is it to use, and who will this kite suit? 

The Psycho is aimed at any rider of any level, wanting to go bigger with confidence. Whether mega loops, massive airs, or learning your first kite loops, this kite will give you access to your Psycho side, which you may not even know you had. It is incredibly easy to use, which is the main feedback I have received so far. Riders who thought this kite would be above their pay grade getting on the kite and instantly felt at home and going bigger than they ever expected.

What are the pro team saying about the kite? Are they enjoying the new platform and design? 

For sure, they are stoked with the confidence they are accessing and the time in the air to nail their next big trick. It is always exciting when a rider comments on it being the best kite they’ve ridden, as Team Riders are inherently critical! Haha. 

Why should a customer choose the Psycho Nvision in this crowded big air marketplace?

In a crowded big air marketplace, there are not many well-rounded big air kites which cater to the needs of the everyday kiteboarder, and the pro rider alike. You have some kites built around the top team rider, but then in the hands of an average rider, the kite is ‘on edge’ ‘twitchy’ and a handful to deal with, not inspiring confidence. On the other hand, you have kites built to jump big, high aspect, flat arc, which are great for going big but are slower than ideal and do not inspire confidence when learning kite loops as they are slow and can backstall. The Psycho is the perfect blend between the two and is really something that needs to be felt to believe. The feedback so far has been far above even our confident expectations, and we are just stoked to bring confidence and progression to riders of all levels. Try one at your local Naish dealer.



