T-Shirt and Hoodie

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T-Shirt and Hoodie

Explore the magic of the Columbia River Gorge through the adventures of Ewan Jaspan in his latest film!

In this film, Ewan shares the beauty of the Columbia River Gorge and how it has shaped his summer months. Watch as he chooses the perfect craft for the conditions, from shredding the kite park on steady breeze days to foiling through glassy waters and surfing the legendary swells when the wind is cranking.

Catch Columbia River Magic now—and let us know, does Ewan Jaspan’s film deserve the title of Best Movie of 2024? Watch, vote, and share your thoughts!

To vote for this video, share this page! The video with the most views wins. * (Closes 4th Feb 2025)

To view all nominations, please click here: Best Kitesurfing Video of 2024 Nominations

Thu 9th Jan, 2025 @ 1:06 pm


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