Eleveight’s WS V8 will sync to your rhythm whether you’re swiftly turning in waves or seeking top performance for carefree sessions. The Open-C hybrid three-strut design provides power right when needed, whether you’ve dropped into a wave or are about to try your next move. Watch it naturally drift, absorb gusts, and turn on a dime without the need for force.


  • Performance open-C hybrid kite for waves, freeriding and foiling
  • Stable and stall-free for easy drift and carefree riding
  • Rapid and precise with smooth, tight turns
  • Performs well in gusts across a huge wind range
  • Easy piloting, optimised for single-hand control

“The WS kite turns extremely fast with exceptional drift which makes it my favourite wave companion, although it’s great for any session.” – Nuno ‘Stru’ Figueiredo, Eleveight Team Rider

Click here to find out more.

Thu 25th Jul, 2024 @ 3:00 pm


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